5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Juicing

5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Juicing

We all know that we should eat more fruits and especially vegetables. Everyone knows this, and should be making an ongoing effort to increase their intake of them as they are our only source of enzymes—the key to health. Another amazing source of enzymes, never mind...
5 Ways to Cleanse Your Liver

5 Ways to Cleanse Your Liver

The heart gets all the poetic verse, and the brain gets all the intellectual credit, but the liver is the real workhorse of the human body and that’s it’s vital to cleanse your liver. Tucked neatly in your abdominal cavity between the diaphragm and the...
4 Benefits of Chelation Therapy

4 Benefits of Chelation Therapy

Chelation Therapy Developed in the middle of the 20th Century as a way to combat metal poisoning, chelation therapy is a type of medical treatment used to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body. The demonstrated benefits of chelation have contributed to...